The Essential Fall Accessory: HotHands Hand Warmers

HotHands Direct Blog: The Ultimate Fall Accessory

Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer and start of autumn. That’s the exact time when swimming pools close for the season, wearing white becomes faux pas, and the hallmarks of fall fashion (sweaters, boots, and gloves), grace closets to provide a cozy option until coats, hand warmers, and foot warmers become essential. And they will, as the temperatures plunge the closer we get to winter. 


Heads adorned with hats also mark the onset of crisp autumn days. Some feel that wearing a hat is merely fashionable, while others believe that wearing one will prevent heat from escaping their bodies. The latter, as it turns out, is untrue. In many studies throughout the last five decades,  scientists have revealed that the body responds to cold temperatures in at least two ways—one of which is by the constriction of blood vessels in the arms and legs that limits blood flow to the extremities, leaving the fingers and toes susceptible to frostbite (in effect sacrificing them), but alternatively, protecting the brain and vital organs in the trunk. So more than a hat, toe warmers are actually what should be trending as an essential fall item! 


Autumn is also the time of deceptive weather; NOAA suggests that on October 31 when autumn is in full swing, normal high temperatures range from the 40s to the 80s and normal lows range from the teens to the 70s across the contiguous states. These weather variations make dressing for Halloween “tricky.” Halloween day may start off sunny and warm, but as the afternoon progresses into dusk, and the time to trick-or-treat arrives, the air becomes brisk and chilly. Ringing doorbells and roaming the neighborhood is no fun if your hands are cold and you can’t feel your fingers. So when you are planning the perfect Halloween costume, it is common sense to make sure you include Hot Hands hand warmers. These safe disposable warmers are just as essential as the costume itself, enabling you to stay out later. Buying hand warmers in bulk is a great way for the whole family to stay toasty throughout the drastic temperature swings of autumn for this and other events. 

Of course HotHands warming products can accompany you as you get lost in the corn maze, brave the pumpkin patch, roll around in the colorful fall leaves, or play the annual family game of touch football. They pair well with your running shoes as you jog through the park, your mittens as you rake fallen leaves, and any other after-Labor Day apparel to ensure warmth and comfort while you are living your life in the great outdoors.

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